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How long does each session last?

The Vielight intranasal units are auto-timed for 25 minutes, while the Neuro is timed for 20 minutes.

Can I use a different device in each nostril at the same time?

Yes, you can. The Vielight 633/655 in one nostril and Vielight 810 in the other to target both systems. This is because electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths does not mix.  You can also opt to use the Vielight devices one after the other.  You will have to experiment to figure out which way works best for you because we all have different physiological make up, and only you can feel which works best.


Does it matter which nostril I use?

It does not matter which nostril is used. However, users with sinus issues and/or eye issues may interchange nostrils to target both sinuses, optic nerves and both eyeballs.


Can children use this?

Yes. However, cut time interval down to 5-10 minutes as a start then gradually extend the time. If headaches occur, reduce the time frame back down.


Can I share a unit with my partner/spouse?

Yes, you can. It is recommended that you clean the nasal applicator with a swab of alcohol between each consequent use. If you are not comfortable with sharing, you can always purchase a separate nose applicator.


What other applications does Vielight have?

Some users have used our intranasal devices to address gum infections by placing the diode next to the infected area in their mouth. However, the most effective area would be intranasal area because it is rich with blood capillaries along with its proximity to the brain.

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