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Increase Memory, Improve Blood Flow, Reduce Inflammation, Support Overall Health and Much More in Just 25 Minutes Per Day!

I highly recommend this device

-- Vielight Neuro User

I purchased the Vielight Neuro for my father after months of medical research. My father has had several strokes, and he has advanced Alzheimer's. We have been using the Vielight for the past month and we have carefully monitored his progress during this month. The results are astonishing. His Alzheimer's has almost completely reversed itself. 

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Vielight featured on the Discovery Channel "Health Briefs" with Terry Bradshaw

Sharpen Your Mind & Support Your Overall Health with This Powerful Light Device in Just 25 Minutes A Day!




Intranasal Light Therapy (or intranasal photobiomodulation) is a method that channels the therapeutic effects of light into the body through the capillary-saturated nasal channel.

The process is engineered to enable the effect to reach the brain and the body through the circulatory system and a complex signaling system that exists on a molecular level.


Scientific research has demonstrated that photobiomodulation of various forms stimulate cells to achieve homeostasis. Read a journal article by Harvard Medical School on photobiomodulation here.


“When absorption of light by a tissue chromophore takes place, covalent bonds cannot be broken because of the energy of the photons involved. However, the energy is sufficient for the first excited singlet state to be formed, and this can undergo intersystem crossing to the long-lived triplet state of the chromophore. The long life of this species allows reactions to occur, such as energy transfer to ground state molecular oxygen to form the reactive species, singlet oxygen. Another photochemistry pathway that can occur after the absorption of a red or NIR photon is the dissociation of a non-covalently bound ligand from a binding site on a metal containing cofactor in an enzyme. The most likely candidate for this pathway is the binding of nitric oxide to the iron-containing and copper-containing redox centers in unit IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, known as cytochrome c oxidase.” – Dr M. Hamblin, “Mechanisms of Low Level Light Therapy”, Harvard Medical School.


The Vielight products have been designed with parameters to deliver the photons effectively with great convenience and low cost. Many regular users have reported elevated levels of wellness. No claim has been made for a cure, and results vary between users. They have not been evaluated as medical devices by regulatory authorities.

What is Intranasal Light Therapy?
Why use Intranasal Light Therapy?


Over the course of history, our bodies have evolved to react to light – from the way our skin cells react to harmful UV light by producing melanin, to the way our bodies produce more melatonin in the presence of red light, which plays a crucial role in our circadian rhythm sleep cycles. Similarly, NASA discovered that our cells react positively to light in the visible red spectrum through a process known as photobiomodulation.


A few decades before NASA’s discovery, Russian scientists developed intravenous light therapy after observing the positive effects of irradiating blood cells with experimental lasers. This method was primarily used to treat cardiovascular diseases by improving blood rheology. In the year 2005, laser blood irradiation therapy was government-certified in Germany, leading to the establishment of more than 300 centers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy.


The basis of intranasal light therapy goes like this : the nasal cavity has a high concentration of blood capillaries. Theoretically, irradiating the nasal cavity should be similar to irradiating intravenously while being non-invasive, due to the close proximity of blood capillaries to the light source source. This leads to the photobiomodulative effects of light therapy while granting someone the convenience of using it anywhere, except underwater!


Besides that, the intranasal channel is an excellent pathway to irradiate the cortical and pre-frontal areas of the brain to achieve neurological stimulation, according to a Harvard study. This could potentially helping some degenerative neural conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinsons. However, at present, testing is still in the experimental stage. When accompanied with transcranial stimulation, improvements could be substantial.


Restores Your Body

Intranasal Light Therapy is based on scientific research.  It restores homeostasis (internal balance), covering conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, asthma, sleep disorder, dementia, HIV, Cancer, post-stroke recovery, allergies and more.


Read this Article “Shocking Discovery: How Shining a Light Up Your Nose Cures Diseases" published in July 2013 which is Dr. Robert Rowen’s take on Intranasal Light Therapy and how it can dramatically help improve your health conditions.


Why The Nose? (click image to magnify)

The nasal cavity is rich with blood capillaries. There are five major arteries that connect to the nasal cavity, while the Little’s area is known to be a frequent site of nasal bleeding. It is known to have more capillaries per sq cm than even the brain and most organs of the body. Given the rich supply of blood and the thin, permeable membrane that separates blood from the exterior in the nasal cavity, this area is an excellent spot for blood irradiation. Being just 3 inches from the brain, with little barrier, it is also an excellent source for direct brain stimulation.



Related research and studies from acclaimed institutions and publications

Disclaimer: The research links to the right are independent information sources about photobiomodulation. No representation is made regarding Vielight devices or their capabilities.

Light-harvesting Chlorophyll Pigments Enable Mammalian Mitochondria to Capture Photonic Energy and Produce ATP  |    

Columbia University Medical Center, New York


Blood Laser Irradiation : Current State and Future Perspectives

ABER Institute, Helsinki, Finland


Intravenous Laser Blood Irradiation  |  MH Weber  


Applications of Intranasal Low Intensity Laser Therapy In Sports Medicine  |  Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, World Scientific


Double-Blind Study of Intranasal Low-Intensity Laser Therapy on Vascular Diseases  |  International Journal of Photoenergy


Formation of Gigantic Mitochondria in Human Blood Lymphocytes under the Effect of a Low Level Laser Source  | Institute on Laser and Informatic Technologies of Russian Academy


Irradiation with He-Ne laser increases ATP Level in Cells Cultivated in Vitro  |  National Research Centre of the Academy of Medicine and Science

Shocking Discovery – How Shining a Light Up Your Nose Cures Disease  |  Dr. Robert Jay Rowen’s Second Opinion

Heal Your Entire Body with Nothing More Than the Incredible Power of Medicinal Light  |  Dr. Mark Stengler's Health Revelations

The Light That Can Eliminate Tremors and Improve Cognition  | Women's Health


Applications of Intranasal Low Intensity Laser Therapy in Sports Medicine  |  World Scientific


The Power of Light: The Vielight Intranasal Light Therapy  |  
Aging Matters Magazine


Laser Function Medicine and Its Applications  |  Cheng-Yi Liu & Ping Zhu (e-book)

Supporting Research


Photobiomodulation helps your body to use its own ability to heal more effectively.


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