Groundbreaking Webinar on Photobiomodulation that aired during the World Summit of Integrative Medicine 2015. Source: Vielight Inc.
Brain photobiomodulation is the utilization of photons to stimulate neuronal mitochondria and cellular events.
Photobiology is the study of the effects of non-ionizing radiation on biological systems.

The Key to Photobiomodulation
Mitochondria are the power generators that exist practically within almost every cell. They contain a substance called cytochrome c oxidase (Cox), which is the primary target for Photobiomodulation. Cox is a vital component of the electron transport chain that drives cellular metabolism. As red and NIR light is absorbed, Cox is stimulated to increase adenosine triphosphate or “ATP”.
ATP is the signaling molecule that leads to
Science and evidence from clinical investigations within the field of low level light therapy support intranasal light therapy.
300+ scientific papers on photobiomodulation have been officially published to date. (US National Library of Medicine) – [Link]
Several top-ranking universities and organizations are conducting research in the field of Low Level Light Therapy and photomedicine.
What is Photobiology?
Photobiology is the study of the effects of non-ionizing radiation on biological systems. The biological effect varies with the wavelength region of the radiation. The radiation is absorbed by molecules in skin such as DNA, protein or certain drugs. The molecules are changed chemically into products that initiate biochemical responses in the cells.
Biological reaction to light is nothing new, there are numerous examples of light induced photochemical reactions in biological systems. We normally experience this through our eyes which are obviously photosensitive – our vision is based upon light hitting our retinas and creating a chemical reaction that allows us to see. Vitamin D synthesis in our skin is another example of a photochemical reaction. When the ultraviolet B (UVB) wavelength in sunlight strikes our skin, it converts a universally present form of cholesterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol to vitamin D3. Throughout the course of evolution, photons have played a vital role in photo-chemically energizing certain cells.
At the cellular level, visible red and near infrared light energy stimulates cells to generate more energy and undergo self-repair. Each cell has mitochondria, which perform the function of producing cellular energy called “ATP”. This production process involves the respiratory chain. A mitochondrial enzyme called cytochrome oxidase c then accepts photonic energy when functioning below par.
NO (Nitric Oxide)
ROS (Reactive Oxygen Series) → PKD (gene) → IkB (Inhibitor κB) + NF-κB (nuclear factor κB) → NF-κB (nuclear factor κB stimulates gene transcription)
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) → cAMP (catabolite activator protein) → Jun/Fos (oncogenic transcription factors) → AP-1 (activator protein transcription factor stimulates gene transcription)
Mechanism [See Full PMC Publication]
The current widely accepted proposal is that low level visible red to near infrared light energy is absorbed by mitochondria and converted into ATP for cellular use. In addition, the process creates mild oxidants (ROS) that leads to gene transcription and then to cellular repair and healing. The process also unclogs the chain that has been clogged by nitric oxide (NO).[1] The nitric oxide is then released back into the system. Nitric oxide is a molecule that our body produces to help its 50 trillion cells communicate with each other by transmitting signals throughout the entire body. Additionally, nitric oxide helps to dilate the blood vessels and improve blood circulation.
Cellular Mechanisms

Reference: "Basic Photomedicine", Ying-Ying Huang, Pawel Mroz, and Michael R. Hamblin, Harvard Medical School
Parameters [See Full PMC Publication]
• The correct wavelength for the target cells or chromophores must be employed (633-810 nm). If the wavelength is incorrect, optimum absorption will not occur and as the first law of photobiology states, the Grotthus-Draper law, without absorption there can be no reaction.[2]
• The photon intensity, i.e., spectral irradiance or power density (W/cm2), must be adequate, or once again absorption of the photons will not be sufficient to achieve the desired result. If the intensity is too high, however, the photon energy will be transformed to excessive heat in the target tissue, and that is undesirable.[3]
• Finally, the dose or fluence must also be adequate (J/cm2), but if the power density is too low, then prolonging the irradiation time to achieve the ideal energy density or dose will most likely not give an adequate final result, because the Bunsen-Roscoe law of reciprocity, the 2nd law of photobiology, does not hold true for low incident power densities.[4]
Brain Bioenergetics [See Full PMC Publication]
Near-infrared light stimulates mitochondrial respiration in neurons by donating photons that are absorbed by cytochrome oxidase, a bioenergetics process called photoneuromodulation in nervous tissue.[5] The absorption of luminous energy by the enzyme results in increased brain cytochrome oxidase enzymatic activity and oxygen consumption. Since the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by cytochrome oxidase is the reduction of oxygen to water, acceleration of cytochrome oxidase catalytic activity directly causes an increase in cellular oxygen consumption. [6] Increased oxygen consumption by nerve cells is coupled to oxidative phosphorylation, ATP production increases as a consequence of the metabolic action of near-infrared light. This type of luminous energy can enter brain mitochondria transcranially, and—independently of the electrons derived from food substrates—it can directly photostimulate cytochrome oxidase activity.[7]
[1] – “Biphasic Dose Response in Low Level Light Therapy”; Sulbha K. Sharma (PhD), Ying-Ying Huang (MD), James Carroll, Michael R. Hamblin (PhD)
[2, 3, 4] – “Is light-emitting diode phototherapy (LED-LLLT) really effective?”; Won-Serk Kim (PhD, MD), R Glen Calderhead (PhD)
[5, 6, 7] – “Augmentation of cognitive brain functions with transcranial infrared light”; Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (PhD), Douglas W Barrett (MD)
Vielight offers a union between well-researched science and innovative engineering. During the design process, emphasis was placed on effectiveness, safety, affordability and ease of use. Their team is comprised of research scientists, doctors and engineers supported by renowned knowledge leaders in the field of photomedicine as scientific advisors.
Several top-ranking universities and organizations, including Stanford University, Harvard Medical School, Boston University and NASA are conducting research in the field of Low Level Light Therapy and photomedicine.
Over 4,800+ scientific papers on Low Level Light Therapy have been officially published to date.
[click image to enter]

Brain photobiomodulation is the utilization of photons to stimulate neuronal mitochondria and cellular events.
Neurons are cells that contain mitochondria.
By utilizing the science of photobiomodulation to energize neuronal mitochondria, this triggers a cascade of beneficial cellular events.
Some potential effects are: neuroprotective effects, self-repair mechanisms and enhanced function.
Enhanced Cognition and Memory Retrieval

Click below to find out evidence of ILT on each of these conditions.
Photonic Diffusion

Electromagnetic radiation within the 810nm wavelength is the most potent wavelength for diffusing through tissue, blood and brain.
The 810nm wavelength exhibits the least photonic scattering and absorption by blood|water in the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
Clinical studies have shown that NIR radiation of sufficient power density is capable of diffusing through the scalp, skull and brain to depths of 4 cm or more, transcranially and through the intranasal channel.

A Pitzschke, B Lovisa, O Seydoux, M Zellweger, M Pfleiderer, Y Tardy and G Wagnières (2015). Red and NIR light dosimetry in the human deep brain., Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering (ISIC), 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland, Phys. Med. Biol. 60 (2015) 2921–2937
The Vielight Intranasal Advantage

Vielight’s patented intranasal stimulation technology and microchip LED technology is a powerful tool for brain photobiomodulation.
The intranasal channel lacks hair and skin, which are natural barriers for light energy.
Being just 3 inches from the brain, the intranasal channel is the most efficient channel for photobiomodulating the deeper, ventral brain area.
These deep structures within the brain’s core have important functions, such as long term memory and hormonal regulation.
A Pitzschke, B Lovisa, O Seydoux, M Zellweger, M Pfleiderer, Y Tardy and G Wagnières (2015). Red and NIR light dosimetry in the human deep brain., Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering (ISIC), 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland, Phys. Med. Biol. 60 (2015) 2921–2937
World's First
Transcranial-Intranasal Brain Photobiomodulation Device
Brain Photobiomodulation with the Vielight Neuro
Vielight Neuro
Brain Photobiomodulation Illustration
Neuronal Stimulation
via Photobiomodulation
Mechanisms of Brain Photobiomodulation
There are several mechanisms associated with promoting physiological change through photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT). The wavelengths primarily used with PBM is within the near-infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum with a sufficient power density. When hypoxic/impaired cells are irradiated with low level NIR photons, there is increased mitochondrial adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) production within their mitochondria.1, 2 Another change is the release of nitric oxide from the hypoxic/impaired cells. Neurons are cells that contain mitochondria and nitric oxide.
In hypoxic neuronal cells, cytochrome-C oxidase (CCO), a membrane-bound protein that serves as the end-point electron acceptor in the cell respiration electron transport chain, becomes inhibited by non-covalent binding of nitric oxide. When exposed to NIR photons, the CCO releases nitric oxide, which then diffuses outs of the cell – increasing local blood flow and vasodilation.3, 4
Following initial exposure to the NIR photons, there is a brief burst of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the neuron cell, and this activates a number of signaling pathways. The ROS leads to activation of redox-sensitive genes, and related transcription factors including NF-κβ.5, 6 The PBMT stimulates gene expression for cellular proliferation, migration, and the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors.7
1. Karu T. Primary and secondary mechanisms of action of visible to near-IR radiation on cells. J Photochem Photobiol B 1999;49:1-17.
2. Wong-Riley MT, Liang HL, Eells JT, Chance B, Henry MM, Buchmann E, Kane M, Whelan HT. Photobiomodulation directly benefits primary neurons functionally inactivated by toxins: role of cytochrome c oxidase. J Biol Chem 2005;280:4761-4771.
3. Karu TI, Pyatibrat LV, Afanasyeva NI. Cellular effects of low power laser therapy can be mediated by nitric oxide. Lasers Surg Med 2005;36:307-314.
4. Huang YY, Chen AC, Carroll JD, Hamblin MR. Biphasic dose response in low level light therapy. Dose Response 2009;7:358-383.
5. Migliario M, Pittarella P, Fanuli M, Rizzi M, Reno F. Laser-induced osteoblast proliferation is mediated by ROS production. Lasers Med Sci 2014;29:1463-1467.
6. Avci P, Gupta GK, Clark J, Wikonkal N, Hamblin MR. Low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) for treatment of hair loss. Lasers Surg Med 2014;46:144-151.
7. Huang YY, Gupta A, Vecchio D, de Arce VJ, Huang SF, Xuan W, Hamblin MR. Transcranial low level laser (light) therapy for traumatic brain injury. J Biophotonics 2012;5:827-837.

Benefits reported by Users of Brain Photobiomodulation
Depression alleviation
Anxiety reduction
Dementia/Alzheimer's improvements
Brain injury recovery
Stroke recovery
Headaches and migraines
Sleep improvements
Increased energy levels
Cognitive improvements
Significant Improvement in Cognition after Transcranial and Intranasal Photobiomodulation:
A Controlled, Single-Blind Pilot Study in Participants with Dementia Co-authoring institutes
– Harvard Medical School, Boston University School of Medicine
Vielight Devices for Brain Health
Our photobiomodulation devices combine solid state technology along with intranasal diodes built from transparent high-impact polycarbonate to ensure quality and durability – turning this into a lifetime investment.
All Vielight Devices come with a 6-month satisfaction guarantee.

The Vielight Neuro is a next generation transcranial-intranasal brain photobiomodulation device.
This device utilizes microchip LED technology to emit coherent light energy transcranially and intranasally within the near-invisible spectrum(810 nm) wavelength.
Each session is auto-timed for 20 minutes, resulting in a relatively greater total irradiation with high-powered near-invisible photons per cycle.
The Vielight 810 is a non-laser intranasal brain photobiomodulation device.
This device utilizes a cold diode (LED) to emit light energy within the near-invisible spectrum(810 nm) wavelength.
Each session is auto-timed for 25 minutes, resulting in specific total irradiation with near-infrared photons of sufficient power density per cycle.

Low level photons may disaggregate and improve the structure of erythrocytes, resulting in enhanced cellular oxygen supply and blood properties.
Light energy has positive modulating effects on red blood cells, optimizing their cellular structure and oxygenation capacity.
Photobiomodulation may stimulate mitochondria within white blood cells, potentially leading to an enhanced immune system.
Some potential effects are: improved blood flow and energized body systems for improved functioning, interactivity and homeostasis.
Improved Systemic Properties
Blood Bioenergetics
For decades – scientists in Russia, parts of Eastern Europe and China researched the effects of light energy of specific wavelengths and power density on blood, in everyday people and athletes.
They discovered that light energy has positive modulating effects on red blood cells, optimizing their cellular structure and oxygenation capacity.
Additionally, photobiomodulation may stimulate mitochondria within white blood cells, potentially leading to an enhanced immune system.
Red Wavelength
Electromagnetic radiation within the 633-655nm wavelength is ideal for blood photobiomodulation, due to the higher degree of scattering and absorption by blood and water and energy density.Note : Each photon contains a certain amount of energy. The different types of radiation are defined by the the amount of energy contained in the photons. Red photons are ideal due to their relatively lower energy density and higher absorption coefficient. On the other hand, blue photons contain sufficient energy to kill bacteria and activate photosensitizers – while, UV photons have the ability to destroy and alter DNA cellular structure upon prolonged exposure.
In recent years, the ability of mammalian mitochondria to capture photonic energy and produce ATP has been studied. Research link
Boosting Oxygenation

Stimulate your inner systems
• Complement your general wellness or athletic performance naturally with the Vielight technology
• Improved erythrocyte structure augments the oxygenation capacity of your circulatory system
• Engineered to be lightweight, shockproof and wearable, suitable for the rigours of everyday life and sport.

Improved blood flow throughout the body and brain
Energizes body system processes for improved functioning, interactivity and homeostasis
Improved oxygenation capacity of circulatory system
Improved immune system functioning
psychological benefits
Headaches and migraines
Sinusitis & Hay fever
Increased energy
Blood pressure
Cognitive improvements
Vielight Devices for Systemic Health
Our photobiomodulation devices combine solid state technology along with intranasal diodes built from transparent high-impact polycarbonate to ensure quality and durability – turning this into a lifetime investment.
All Vielight Devices come with a 6-month satisfaction guarantee.

The Vielight 655 is a laser intranasal photobiomodulation device.
This device utilizes a laser diode to emit coherent light energy within the visible red spectrum (655 nm) wavelength.
Each session is auto-timed for 25 minutes, resulting in specific total irradiation with red photons of sufficient power density per cycle.

The Vielight 633 is a non-laser intranasal photobiomodulation device.
This device utilizes a cold diode (LED) to emit light energy within the visible red spectrum (633 nm) wavelength.
Each session is auto-timed for 25 minutes, resulting in specific total irradiation with red photons of sufficient power density per cycle.

Some viral/bacterial infections
Pain from fibromyalgia
Many stroke conditions
Chronic low immunity
Nasal polyps (*Read Note)
Some autoimmune diseases (eg psoriasis)
Post cancer therapy low immunity
Immediate Response
Sinus and nasal congestion
Headaches and migraines
Facial area and systemic pain
Blurred vision due to poor microcirculation
Sleep disorder
Chronic fatigue
Many viral/bacterial infections
Within 2 Weeks
Cardiovascular conditions in general
High blood pressure
High blood sugar (diabetes)
Diabetic conditions that include impaired microcirculation
High LDL cholesterol
Mild cognitive impairment
Traumatic brain injury
Within 3 Months
Overall improvement in illness resistance
Some autoimmune diseases (eg rheumatoid arthritis)
Chronic asthma