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Support your health and flush out toxins, bacteria and parasites from your body with Red Pine Needle Oil. It has the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier.  It is full of Vitamins & Minerals, an excellent source of Chlorophyll and a natural source of Shikimic Acid--which is a plant phytochemical key to making Suramin that helps reduce platelet-aggregation (helps halt blood clots) and helps prevent inappropriate replication and modification of RNA/DNA.  Red Pine Needle Oil also contains high levels of Antioxidants, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, Rutin (a type of biovlavanoid that helps the body utilize Vitamin C and produce collagen), Alpha-lipoic acid (antioxidant that protects from free radicals), Omega 3/6/9/12, Iron, Protein, and the rare C10 & H16 Molecules.


The Korean or Japanese Red Pine is one of the few only safe natural turpentines for human consumption with its rare ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier.  Its ultra-powerful antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic properties help the body rid of parasites, pathogens, waste, arterial plaque, heavy metals, rancid fatty lipids and more.


Product is NON-GMO, Organic, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Fully Bioactive and FDA-Approved for internal use.


If you are combating issues such as candida, mold, fungi, viruses and bacteria, it is recommended to use Red Pine Needle Oil with Fulvic Ionic Minerals.  When used together, Fulvic Ionic Minerals does not only boosts the nutrient absorption of the Red Pine Needle Oil but it ensures that your body will absorb all its goodness and allow to detoxify and cleanse effectively and naturally. 


A 2-ounce bottle  will provide about 6 to 8 months supply. (Based on recommended adult dosage as a daily supplement.)


IMPORTANT NOTE:  Please do not confuse Red Pine Needle (Pinus densiflora) products with pine nut or other "pine needle" products.  Pine Needles or pine nuts do not have any of the elements found in Pinus densiflora needles, nor offers any of the health benefits of Red Pine Needle (Pinus Densiflora) Products.


Red Pine Needle Oil (Pinus Densiflora) 2oz

$119.99 일반가
  • Benefits of Red Pine Needle Oil (Pinus Densiflora)

    • Anagelisic
    • Anti-Inflammatory
    • Anti-Viral
    • Anti-Aging
    • Alkalinizing
    • Powerful Antioxidant
    • Antiapoptotic
    • Anticarcinogenic
    • Antimutagenic
    • Antifungal
    • Anti-mold
    • Antimicrobial
    • Antiparasitic
    • Anti-yeast
    • Antibacterial
    • Arterial Plaque Prevention
    • Detoxifier
    • Expectorant
    • Free Radical Neutralizer
    • Blood Enricher
    • Lower Blood Pressure
    • Reduce Cholesterol
    • Chlorophyll-Rich
    • Phytonutrient & Phytochemical Rich
    • Vitamin & Mineral-Rich
    • Immune Enhancer
    • Energy Booster
    • Cellular Oxygenation
    • Cellular Strength
    • Natural Disinfectant
    • Neuroprotective
    • Lymphatic Support
    • Circulatory Support
    • Cardiovascular Support
    • Thyroid Support
    • Liver Protection & Restoration

    Pinus densiflora (also known as Japanese or Korean Red Pine Needle Oil) have long been used in traditional medicine for centuries to promote health, safely and effectively. The traditional oriental medical books Dongwee Bogam and Boncho Kangmok, recorded many cases in hundreds of years time span that the usage of Red Pine Needle Oil has given miraculous results to the patients.


    According to Oriental Medicine, Pinus densiflora "helps blood cleanse effective for the elderly such as stroke, high blood pressure, help regulate blood sugar, make the body tonic, toxin excretion out of body".


    Shinnongbonchokyeong writes, "Leaves have a function of stabilizing the five organs, helping to balance the body. Leaves pine regularly, will help the body movement is flexible, young forever not old.”

    Boncho Kangmok said, "Leaves help treat malignant tumors. At the same time, stabilize the five organs, do not create feelings of hunger, maintain youthfully. Leaves are not toxic, effective for hair.”


    Its vast health benefits include its ability to reduce inflammation and infections, balance blood sugars, detoxifies your blood, lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, clean intestines, improves skin and nail health and circulation, support immune system, boost energy, fight fungal, bacterial and viral infections, increase mental clarity, promotes thyroid health, help with cardiovascular health, allergy symptoms, supports respiratory problems, assists in weight reduction and protect your cells against oxidative stress.


    Its powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant properties can kill and flush out toxins and bacteria within your body, thus preventing the development of an infection and exterminates parasites. Because of its anti-fungal properties, you can use Red Pine Needle Oil to cleanse your system of any fungal infections. It also has been tested to have potential antic.ancer, antioxidant and antimutagenic effects (Source: Kwak CS, et al. Institute on Aging, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea - NCBI Journal of the US Nutrition and_Cancer (2006): "Pine leaf extracts help fight cancer, acidify, reduce cell mutagenicity, reduce tumor cells and use. This is evidenced by experiments on animals. " (Source: Nutrition and Cancer, 56 (2), 162-171, 2006 Lawrence Erlbaum Asociates, Inc.)

    Modern studies discover that Red Pine Needle Oil is an excellent source of natural chlorophyll. President of Hagiwara Institute of Health in Japan, Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, uncover that when chlorophyll is absorbed in human body, it will be transformed into the blood, which transports nutrients and oxygen to every cell of the human body. Red Pine Needle Oil also contains high levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene, Rutin (type of bioflavonoid that helps the body utilize Vitamin C and produce collagen), Iron, Protein, and the rare C10 & H16 molecules.


    Product is Non-GMO, Organic and FDA approved for internal use.


    If you are combating issues such as candida, mold, fungi, viruses and bacteria, it is recommended to use Red Pine Needle Oil with Fulvic Ionic Minerals.  When used together, Fulvic Ionic Minerals does not only boosts the nutrient absorption of the Red Pine Needle Oil but it ensures that your body will absorb all its goodness and allow to detoxify and cleanse effectively and naturally. 




    NOTE:  Please do not confuse Red Pine Needle products with pine nut (or other "pine needle") products.  Pine nuts do not have any of the elements found in Pinus densiflora needles, nor offers any of the health benefits of Red Pine Needle (Pinus Densiflora) Products.

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