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NEW!   Extra Stregth 35PPM Nano Silver Spray in a convenient 4oz glass bottle.


BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM & HELP PROTECT YOURSELF & YOUR FAMILY FROM VIRUSES, FLU & BAD BACTERIA!   Spray at the onset of a sore throat or whenever you need to boost your immune system. Great for eye health, healthy skin, and wherever you need to promote natural healing. Spray on eyes, face, mouth/throat, ears, nose/sinuses and skin. Spray on bug bites, eczema or any skin irritations, scrapes or wounds or even sunburn. Safe for the entire family--adults, children and pets!


Nano-Silver Spray 35PPM Extra Strength 4oz

$31.99 通常価格
  • For video explanation of how SilverSol Technology works, click here.


    Boost your immune system, help get rid of a sore throat,  reduce infections, and promote healthy skin with 35PPM Nano Silver in a convenient spray bottle.

    • Made with SilverSol Ag4O4
    • Most effective and most stable Silver in the market
    • Highly bioactive nano-silver
    • Safe for the entire family
    • Backed by over 400 studies
    • Probiotic friendly
    • Non-GMO, gluten-free and vegan

    Suggested Use: 

    Spray at the onset of a sore throat or whenever you need an immune boost.  Spray on affected areas that need healing.

    As a daily supplement:
    (For Adults):  8 to 10 sprays (1 teaspoon) up to 3 times daily.
    (For Children):  3 to 5 sprays (½ teaspoon) once daily.



    Purified Silver 175mcg (175 micrograms per 1 teaspoon), Deionized water.  Contains NO artificial ingredients, preservative or additives.  



    If you are pregnant, nursing, have allergic reaction to trace minerals or if you have any chronic or recurring symptoms or illness, please consult a health care professional before using this product.  


    Safe when used as suggested.

    Store at room temperature. 


    Keep out of direct sunlight.


    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  This product is manufactured using a unique and patented silver technology. 


  • All orders will ship from the United States.


    For U.S. Orders

    Will ship via USPS Priority.


    For International Orders:  

    We ship Worldwide. Choose from U.S. Postal Service (USPS) or FedEx / UPS. Signature Confirmation required.


    We have also partnered with MyUS, the No. 1 international shipping service to offer you convenient International Shipping. For more information, click here.


    Recipient is responsible for any import taxes, duties, customs and any other fees imposed by their respective country.  *Please also check your respective country's restrictions or conditions.

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