Now you can ship worldwide from the USA to over 200 Countries with MyUS
We have partnered with MyUS, the No. 1 international shipping service to offer you convenient International Shipping. With MyUS, you will be assigned a U.S. Based address where your package will be processed for shipping straight to your home country.
MyUS uses trusted delivery services like FedEx, UPS and DHL to ensure you receive your merchandise in the shortest amount of time.
1) SIGN UP with MyUS and get your MyUS address to use at checkout.
2) Use your U.S. Address provided by MyUS when you order with us.
3) Once we ship your order, MyUS will manage the mail forwarding process to you.
Once your order safely reaches MyUS Warehouses in the USA, MyUS then takes responsibility for loss or damage to your order when shipping it internationally. We recommend that you review their insurance options for international shipments before you place your order.

You are free to work with your own Forwarder if you are already working with one.
Once your order safely reaches your Forwarder, it is then the responsibility of your Forwarder for loss or damage to your order.
We recommend that you review your Fowarder's insurance options for added protection.
You can also have us ship your order directly to you.
International Shipping rates will apply.
MyUS is just an optional service we like to make available to you as an added convenience to save on shipping and time.
Recipient is responsible for any import taxes, duties, customs and any other fees imposed by their respective country.
Please also check your respective country's restrictions or conditions.