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We love Thai Iced Tea but can never find one without chemicals and dangerous food dyes.  “Store-bought” Thai Iced Tea mix and Thai Iced Tea you order from the restaurant contain unhealthy, unnatural food coloring and chemicals.  Also beware of those products who "claim" they're "natural" that add "natural flavoring" or "natural color", and they don't really say what they're adding in.

Organic Thai Iced Tea Bags


    Finally, now you can make ALL-NATURAL, DELICIOUS & REFRESHING ORGANIC Thai Iced Tea at home with these ready-to-brew tea bags WITHOUT ANY CHEMICALS, made with Certified Organic, non-irradiated Fair-Trade Certified Black Tea and whole spices.  Just brew, and add your choice of milk & sweetener.  Each individual tea bag will brew 2 servings to make 2 large glasses of delicious healthy, all natural Thai Iced Tea!  

    BE CREATIVE!!!  To make it extra special, top your Thai Iced Tea with a dollup of whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon or cardomom.  Or, add a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream to make a unique Thai Iced Tea Float!   Mmmmm! Or add tapioca (boba) pearls to make your own all natural Boba Tea at home!    Lots of delicious drinks you can create!

    Choose from:

    •                  12 servings (6-Bags)
    •                   24 servings (12-Bags) 
  • Certified Organic*, Fair-Trade, Certified Kosher (KSA) Black Tea, Cardamom Pods, Star Anise, Cinnamon Stick and Whole Cloves.

    *Certified Organic by QAI.

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