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About American Biotech Labs (ABL)

Nestled in the foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains, American Biotech Labs, LLC is determined to serve you.
Their SilverSol Technology® is a patented technology that will forever change the nano silver market. One of their company goals is to bring to you nano silver products that are affordable, powerful, and yet as gentle and natural as the earth we live in.

As one of the American Biotech Labs founders so optimistically put it, "our goal is to do well by doing good."  They continue to etch away at it day by day and with more than 10,000,000 units of product sold they are well on our way!

ABL first began in 1998 as a nano-silver biotech company with the goal of creating a more stable and powerful silver technology for consumer products. At that time, they were not satisfied with the various silver supplements available on the market, so they decided to make one of their own. With the help of a few scientists and silver experts, ABL managed to not only create a new silver product, but in fact a new silver technology. Known worldwide today as SilverSol® Technology, this new, unique, and patented silver technology continues to outperform former colloidal silver technologies, and has become a household solution for hundred of thousands of families worldwide. Since then, ABL continued to grow steadily each year and have launched additional new products along the way. As ABL moves forward, they will continue to research, develop, and manufacture products with the end goal of blessing the lives of people worldwide.

SilverSol® Technology - New and Unique Technology

American Biotech Lab's new silver technology produces patented nano-silver particles suspended in a medium of highly purified water. Testing at the Pennsylvania State University's Material Research Institute found that our SilverSol® particles have a number of unique characteristics that other silver particles do not have. Additionally, ABL silver particles have been defined as a metallic nano-silver particle with a thin coating, or skin, of multi-valent silver oxide. Lastly, scientists found that their silver particles have a number of modes of action that differ from regular or traditional silver particles. To learn more about ABL's unique silver technology, please, click here.


As a result of our company's work, we've received many patents from various countries for our silver technology including three U.S. patents: PAT. NO. 7,135,195 (2006); 6,743,348 (2004); and 6,214,299 (2001).


As part of our commitment to our customers, they continually invest heavily in research and development on their SilverSol® Technology. To see a few examples of this work and to learn more about what they have done to understand SilverSol® technology, please click here.

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